
Showing posts from January, 2018

Christmas Newsletter 2017

Merry Christmas 2017! I enjoyed going back and reading what I had written about 2016, so I thought I’d try two years in a row, more for myself than for anyone else. Goals and all that. 2017 has been another year. Yup, it sure has. Lots of stuff has happened in 2017. Lots of stuff. Stuff I’ll now tell you about. Yep…because I totally can remember everything. Rob . Rob has a job. Rob’s job at the beginning of the year was a lot more stressful than it is now. We like improvement. He was super-duper crazy busy and was even counting down the months before his one year mark where he was considering pulling the plug and moving on. Thankfully though, before something drastic like quitting became reality, his workload was reduced to a more manageable and sane level. He still works really hard (the project he is on is ridiculously demanding, far more so than any others there at the company), but he’s finding his stride and things have been much, much better in the last half of the y

Christmas Newsletter 2016

Merry Christmas from our family to yours! It has been many years since we put together a newsletter, so we thought we’d give it a shot and see how it goes. 2016 has been a busy year for us all! The biggest news for our family from this year would have to be Rob ’s job change. He was at DMB and Associates for 11 years and left there July 1 st . We are grateful for the generous severance package he received from them that allowed him to be a man of leisure for the entire month of July. This afforded him the chance to travel (California, Seattle/Washington state, Blue Ridge Reservoir camping with the Scouts, and hiking The Narrows at Zion, just to name a few) and enjoy the last month of summer with the kids before they headed back to school in early August. Once the kids buckled down, so did he, and he began his job search in earnest. Thanks to his two awesome recruiters, opportunities came, some sooner than he had hoped, and on August 29 th , he began his new job as a Senior Finan